Image for the work Ahiru no Sora

Ahiru no Sora

Original Name
Romaji Name
Ahiru no Sora
Release Date


Sora is a freshman at Kuzuryū High, determined to follow in his mother's footsteps in basketball. However, he finds that the basketball club isn't quite as enthusiastic, consisting of delinquent students who never want to practice. Sora is already at a disadvantage, being much smaller and weaker than his peers. This doesn't stop Sora, his dedication inspiring the other club members-- or to-be teammates-- to give basketball their all.

TV50 Episodes
Display picture for Madoka Yabuchi

Madoka Yabuchi

藪内 円
Display picture for Nao Nanao

Nao Nanao

七尾 奈緒
Display picture for Yuka Kurumatani

Yuka Kurumatani

車谷 由夏
Display picture for Kenji Natsume

Kenji Natsume

夏目 健二
Display picture for Sumi Yabuuchi

Sumi Yabuuchi

薮内 済
Display picture for Kurumatani Sora
Display picture for Momoharu Hanazono
Display picture for Kaname Shigeyoshi
Display picture for Chiaki Hanazono
Display picture for Shinichi Yasuhara

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