Image for the work Baldur's Gate III

Baldur's Gate III

Original Name
Baldur's Gate 3


The player character starts off on a nautiloid. Along with their fellow prisoners, the character has been confined within a holding pod, and a mind flayer tadpole has been inserted into their eye. The spelljammer makes its way across Faerûn, and begins to destroy buildings as it flies across Yartar. A group of red dragon-riding githyanki intercept and attack it, and the dragons start to gain the advantage. The mind flayer then commands the nautiloid to seemingly disappear, and it spawns in a different location, and courses through Hell. The githyanki, however, manage to track down the spelljammer, and attack it once more. Finding an opening in the damaged vessel, a red dragon breathes fire over a vulnerable spot, causing an explosion that throws the illithid off balance. The mind flayer tries to relocate the nautiloid yet another time, but the explosion causes it to become very badly damaged. Teleporting back to Faerûn, the nautiloid crashes to the ground. The player character awakes, stranded close to the bank of River Chionthar (somewhere seemingly very close to Elturel), where the rubble of the spelljammer covers the ground. They find themselves with new abilities, including telepathy. The player adventures on and finds companions and followers along the way (some of which were also alongside them on the nautiloid). However, their potential companions believe that ceremorphosis will soon take hold, and they seek out a powerful cleric to heal them.

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