Image for the work Dance Dance Danseur

Dance Dance Danseur

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While watching his older sister's ballet performance, Junpei Murao discovers his interest in dancing art, staring in awe when a male performer starts to dance in the spotlight. Soon after, he devotes himself to learning as much as possible from his sister and later in ballet class. His love for ballet even trumps the constant teasing from his friends and his father's insistence that he should pick a more manly sport. However, when his father passes from a heart attack, he throws ballet to the side and pursues Jeet Kune Do, a martial art influenced by Bruce Lee. Leaping forward into middle school, Junpei is fully living up to the wishes of his beloved father. One day, while showing off Jeet Kune Do to his friends, he combines ballet and the martial art, pulling off an impressive kick that catches the eye of classmate Miyako Godai. She confronts Junpei, wanting him to compete for her older sister's ballet studio, and she drags him there. As he is pulled further back into the world of ballet, his life becomes a game of balance between his outward appearance and what his heart really wants. [MAL]

TV1 Episodes
Display picture for Miyako Godai

Miyako Godai

五代 都
Display picture for Natsuki Oikawa

Natsuki Oikawa

生川 夏姫
Display picture for Chizuru Godai

Chizuru Godai

五代 千鶴

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