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Dead or School

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An indie hack-and-slash game for the PC, initially released via Steam Early Access on July 13, 2018. Ports for the Playstation 4 and the Nintendo Switch were released on August 29, 2019. Directed by Ryouhei Ono (Mokuseizaiju). The game is a 2D platformer set on 3D-rendered dungeons, incorporating the aforementioned action style with RPG elements in a system dubbed "Metroidvania" by some gamers. There are many branching paths, some to advance the plot and the others leading to optional sections. The latter parts often have an item to get or a Refugee to rescue, sometimes accompanied by challenge sequences or simple puzzles. Underground dwelling girl Hisako is aiming for the surface in a zombie infested Tokyo. Hack and slash RPG! Obtain weapons and gear from enemies, and customize your skill tree to create your own unique and powerful a character.

Display picture for Hisako



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