Image for the work How to Protect the Heroine’s Older Brother(Manhwa)

How to Protect the Heroine’s Older Brother(Manhwa)

Original Name
여주인공의 오빠를 지키는 방법


Roxana is a Korean Web Novel later converted to Manhwa covering Drama, Fantasy, Psychological and Romance genres. Original story by Kin (twitter) Original character design by Hae-Yun Choo (twitter)/ (website) Manhwa story by Ji-Yeon Baek Art by Yoreumppit (twitter) Kidnapping, murder, and risqué relationships! Within the scandalous pages of The Abysmal Flower, the downfall of Roxana Agrece’s criminal family is already foretold. So when Cassis Pedelian, the heroine’s older brother, is kidnapped by Roxana’s father, she can either wait for the heroine’s revenge... or take matters into her own hands, since Cassis is the key to her survival. But with deceitful characters on all sides, can Roxana and Cassis trust each other enough to bring down the brutal Agreces?

Display picture for Roxana Agrece
Display picture for Deon Agrece
Display picture for Sierra Agrece
Display picture for Sylvia Pedelian
Display picture for Cassis Pedelian
Display picture for Jeremy Agrece
Display picture for Achille Agrece

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