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Gorou Honda, a little boy obsessed with baseball, has always admired his father, Shigeharu. Wishing to follow in his father's footsteps, Gorou dreams of becoming a professional baseball player. In turn, his son's starry-eyed admiration encourages Shigeharu to keep persevering, despite his late wife's death and his unsatisfying position on the second-string team Blue Ocean. Unfortunately, an elbow injury forces Shigeharu off the team, and he falls into despair. However, after an offhand joke from his childhood friend, Shigeharu reevaluates his choices and decides to keep playing, leaving behind his prime position as pitcher and taking up the bat. Now motivated more than ever, Gorou works hard to carve his way in the Japanese Little League.

TV154 Episodes
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Display picture for Kaoru Shimizu
Display picture for Shigeno  Goro

Shigeno Goro

茂野 (本田) 吾郎
Display picture for Honda Shigeharu
Display picture for Kawase Ryoko

Kawase Ryoko

川瀬 涼子
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Jinnai Alice

陣内 アリス
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Taiga Shimizu

清水 大河
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Toshiya Sato

Display picture for Honda Chiaki

Honda Chiaki

本田 千秋
Display picture for Sakura Mutsuko

Sakura Mutsuko

佐倉 睦子

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