Image for the work Sacred Sword Princesses

Sacred Sword Princesses

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Sacred Sword Princesses, supported on multiplatform. This action-adventure RPG is set out to feature top notch quality and stunning visuals along with smoother and more fluid gameplay. Available on both Android OS and PC, players will be able to start their quest from anywhere they please. Midgardia is a magnificent land created by the Moon Goddess, Mani, and is solely inhabited by women. Night Mistress Nox also rules over the realm, alongside Mani. Together, Mani and Nox strive to preserve the kingdom’s peace and harmony. Suddenly, Mani is blindsided when Nox betrays her and starts spreading “The Taint” in hopes of ruling over the land of Midgardia. Unable to fight this force of evil on her own, the Goddess of Moon has summoned you to this land. Serve Mani by assisting her in reclaiming the land of Midgardia with the help of your sexy troops!

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