Image for the work Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain

Original Name
Release Date


The best description for this intelligent, erudite, confusing and chilling anime from the late 1990s is "creepy cool seinen cyberpunk." Serial Experiments Lain takes an information-rich dive deep into the nature of reality and truth, and in the process leads viewers to come up with their own conclusions about the meaning of the show, the meaning of reality, and even what actually happens in both. Much of the plot development is orthogonal to the viewer, sometimes seen but often simply implied, requiring viewers to think about and draw their own conclusions about what is happening. A fair amount of information is obscured or distorted, challenging viewers to impose their own interpretation on even the most self-evident aspects of the show.

TV13 Episodes
Display picture for Lain Iwakura

Lain Iwakura

岩倉 玲音
Display picture for Arisu "Alice" Mizuki
Display picture for Mika Iwakura
Display picture for Eiri Masami

Eiri Masami

英利 政美
Display picture for Chisa Yomoda

Chisa Yomoda

四方田 千砂
Display picture for Reika Yamamoto

Reika Yamamoto

山本 麗華
Display picture for Yasuo Iwakura

Yasuo Iwakura

岩倉 康男
Display picture for Miho Iwakura

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