Image for the work The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter (Manhwa)

The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter (Manhwa)

Original Name
Romaji Name
Goemul Gongjakgaui Gyeyang Gongnyeo
Release Date


The Speràdo family line possesses a secret: shadow magic. But it’s been 100 years since someone last wielded it. When Marquis Speràdo tries to sacrifice Leslie for her favored sister Ellie, little does he know that this awakens the power of darkness in her instead. To escape her family’s greed and abuse, Leslie’s out to make a deal with the Monstrous Duke: adopt her, and her powers will be at the duke’s disposal. Will Leslie escape her parents’ cruel grip, or succumb to their evil exploits? [Tapas]

Display picture for Leslie Shuya Salvatore

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