Image for the work Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu

Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu

Original Name
ルネ ―風舞高校弓道部―
Release Date


"Tsurune"—It's the sound made by the bowstring when an arrow is released, and the sound that inspired Minato Narumiya to learn Kyuudo, a modern Japanese martial art focusing on archery. However, an incident during his last middle school tournament caused him to quit the sport. But soon, many factors conspire to make Minato take up the bow once again: the start of a new Kyuudo club in his high school, a chance encounter with a mysterious archer, and the support of his childhood friends, Seiya Takehaya and Ryouhei Yamanouchi. Together with his childhood friends and his new teammates, Kaito Onogi and Nanao Kisaragi, Minato rekindles his love for Kyuudo and works with his team toward their aim of winning the prefectural tournament.

Display picture for Masaki Takigawa

Masaki Takigawa

滝川 雅貴
Display picture for Shuu Fujiwara

Shuu Fujiwara

藤原 愁
Display picture for Noa Shiragiku

Noa Shiragiku

Display picture for Nanao Kisaragi

Nanao Kisaragi

如月 七雄
Display picture for Seiya Takehaya

Seiya Takehaya

竹早 静弥
Display picture for Rika Seo

Rika Seo

妹尾 梨可
Display picture for Sae Fujiwara

Sae Fujiwara

Display picture for Kaito Onogi

Kaito Onogi

小野木 海斗
Display picture for Seiya Takehaya

Seiya Takehaya

Display picture for Minato Narumiya

Minato Narumiya

鳴宮 湊
Display picture for Ryouhei Yamanouchi

Ryouhei Yamanouchi

山之内 遼平
Display picture for Hiroki Motomura

Hiroki Motomura

本村 広樹

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