WarioWare is a series of comedy-based party games published by Nintendo, featuring Wario as the main character. A series within the Wario franchise, it was introduced in 2003 with the release of WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! for the Game Boy Advance. While the first two games were developed by Nintendo R&D 1 (which became part of Nintendo SPD, which has now merged into Nintendo EPD), subsequent games have been co-developed by Intelligent Systems. The games in the series are collections of very short and simple games, called "microgames" or "minigames", played in quick succession. They also feature a story that centers around Wario (who, in most of these games, wears a biker outfit rather than his usual attire) founding the video game studio WarioWare, Inc. in Diamond City and hiring numerous friends of his to develop the microgames for him. The WarioWare games often make heavy use of the technological innovations of the console for which they are released.
WarioWare is a series of comedy-based party games published by Nintendo, featuring Wario as the main character. A series within the Wario franchise, it was introduced in 2003 with the release of WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! for the Game Boy Advance. While the first two games were developed by Nintendo R&D 1 (which became part of Nintendo SPD, which has now merged into Nintendo EPD), subsequent games have been co-developed by Intelligent Systems. The games in the series are collections of very short and simple games, called "microgames" or "minigames", played in quick succession. They also feature a story that centers around Wario (who, in most of these games, wears a biker outfit rather than his usual attire) founding the video game studio WarioWare, Inc. in Diamond City and hiring numerous friends of his to develop the microgames for him. The WarioWare games often make heavy use of the technological innovations of the console for which they are released.
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