Alice Gehabich

Alice Gehabich
Original Name
Romaji Name
Arisu Gēhabitchi
Place of Origin
Russia, Earth
Date of Birth
Blood Type
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Popularity # 5339
Like # 4930
Trash # 8675

Alice Gehabich is a character in the anime Bakugan Battle Brawlers and the strategist for the Battle Brawlers. She lives in Moscow, Russia with her grandfather Dr. Michael Gehabich. Later into the season, it is revealed that Alice was sometimes unconsciously possessed by Masquerade, her mysterious alter-ego who formerly served under Naga. She later acquires his Guardian Bakugan, Darkus Alpha Hydranoid as her true Guardian Bakugan. She reappears in Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia as a supporting character, but only brawls once and seems to have a mutual relationship with Lync Volan. Alice's attire in Bakugan Battle Brawlers is a yellow dress with white shorts, a green blouse, and small boots colored white and green. She has a pinkish-red bracelet on her left wrist as well. Her hair is ginger orange and she has hazel eyes. As a natural beauty, she frequently attracts the attention of boys. In New Vestroia, she wears a long sleeved lavender blouse, yellow skirt, and white boots. Alice is a very polite, kind and sweet girl who can often be found doing errands for others and rarely chooses to not to bother others with her problems unless they ask her or if it is of the utmost importance to the task at hand for them. She and Shun Kazami are seen as the most of mature in the group. She hates causing trouble for her friends and also dislikes it when there is conflict between them, because she wants the group to stay together. She is shown to be intuitive to others' emotions, such as being able to sense Shun was lying when he claimed nothing was wrong and insisted that he tell them the truth. In spite of that, she can be quite gullible and overly-trusting of others, as shown when she was tricked by Lync Volan. Despite his trickery, however, Alice still cares for Lync as she realized Lync lost to Hydron and presumably died outside of her house. Despite having a thorough grasp of the game's rules, she has always been afraid to play Bakugan. It perhaps stems from her lack of self-confidence and a fear of losing, which sometimes makes her feel useless. She also refrains from battling because she dislikes violence. To compensate, Alice gives advice and strategies to the other members of the group, as she is pretty good at knowing which abilities and Bakugan to use at a certain time. While some find this to be a nuisance, her advice has actually helped the Brawlers a great deal. Even after gaining the confidence to brawl, she still struggles with her past history and in both of her losses these feelings somehow contributed to the battle. It is shown that she had grown a little more confident after her battle with Shadow Prove. Though she has a distaste for violence, she makes an exception for those who threaten her friends and family.

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