Beowulf Husbando

Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
Place of Origin
Canopy Kingdom
Date of Birth
March 31st
200.00 cm
130.00 kg
Blood Type
139.00 cm
96.00 cm
106.00 cm
Submitted By
Popularity # 12119
Like # 13280
Trash # 7657

Beowulf is a hot-blooded wrestler who enjoys the spotlight he received from wrestling. Even after his downfall following the defeat of Grendel and the slaying of his mother, he is unwilling to give up his career and wants to please his fans. However, he is not really known for thinking things through as he was focusing on the career and receiving advice from his shady "manager" Zane instead of seeing the main problem at hand. He who retired at the height of his professional wrestling career, defeating the seemingly unstoppable Grendel, as well as his frenzied Gigan mom when she nearly ate the audience after her son’s defeat. Years later Beowulf had become restless, wondering if that was his limit. He announced his plans to fight once again. What he didn’t mention was that it wouldn’t be in the ring, since there’s no telling where his greatest opponent will show up. Despite his bumbling tendencies, he is a good person and a capable fighter who legitmately cares for his fans and other people. This is proven when he told the crowd later in his story mode that his match with Grendel was fixed after finding out and promising them he will defeat the Skullgirl Marie.

adult bangs beard black hair popular pro fighter thick eyebrows wrestler black eyes
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