Cody Hackins Husbando

Cody Hackins
Original Name
Romaji Name
Kyuuta Ootaki
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
128.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 18640
Like # 27646
Trash # 6132

Cody Hackins was a fanboy of The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo and idolized its main character, the Steel Samurai (played by Will Powers). He would frequently sneak into Global Studios to see his costumed hero, much to the annoyance of the security guard, Wendy Oldbag, though he never saw Powers' face until the days of the Pink Princess. As a result of his incursions into the studio, he became a witness to the murder of Jack Hammer, the actor who played the Steel Samurai's arch-nemesis, the Evil Magistrate. Hackins appeared to be very intelligent for his age, being competent with using the internet and manipulating other people into bargains that favored himself. He was also very short-tempered, rude, and unfriendly to most people, with Mia Fey being the only known exception; this made it rather difficult for Wright to get any information out of him. His most notable trait was his obsession with the Steel Samurai and Pink Princess. He frequently sneaked into the studios, taped every show, and went to every live performance to take pictures for his "Path to Glory" scrapbook. Hackins' father also repeatedly took him to the Steel Samurai amusement park. He carried a sheathed katana on his back, but the sword itself was too long for him to unsheathe completely, which he would try to do when angry. Although he is aware of the show's fictional nature, he finds it difficult to grasp that the Steel Samurai character would ever lose a fight. This caused him to lie in court about the fight that he had seen between Hammer and Vasquez, which he believed was a staged fight between costumed actors. He showed a great deal of pride in his collection of Steel Samurai merchandise, including Steel Samurai and Pink Princess trading cards. Bargaining with Hackins using an Ultra Rare Premium Steel Samurai card was key to him giving Wright valuable information during the latter's investigation.

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