Dark Schneider Husbando

Dark Schneider
Original Name
Romaji Name
Dāku Shunaidā
Appears In
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
192.00 cm
96.00 kg
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 32970
Like # 32461
Trash # 24033

Dark Schneider is the protagonist and main hero of Bastard!! as well as the self-proclaimed greatest wizard in the universe. Fifteen years ago, prior to the events of the current timeline, he had an army of wizards and warriors led by the Four Divine Kings, with the goal to subjugate the world under his rule. However, he was defeated and sealed away by Lars Ul Metallicana and the Five Heroes in an infant boy named Lucien Renlen. Fast forward to the current timeline, Dark Schneider has now reawakened and plans to realize his ambitions, but this time he is fighting for the more than himself. Dark Schneider is a tall man of a muscular and well-defined build. He has a fair complexation with long unkempt silver hair, blue eyes, and black bushy eyebrows. He is considered to be extraordinarily handsome by those of the fairer sex (and himself). His clothing greatly varies throughout the series, but it usually consists of robes or tunic with a cape and shoulder pads. He is also shown in multiple scenes to be without clothes because he is very proud of his sex appeal. Well-known for his extremely powerful abilities, Dark Schneider is practically one of, if not, the most powerful wizard in the series and never fails to remind his peers so. With all this power, however, comes an incredibly big ego, always performing overly destructive spells just to assert his dominance. He is selfish, violent and narcissistically believes himself to be the pinnacle of power and masculinity. Dark Schneider also has a strong lust for women, and is rather infamous for his womanizing and sexist ways. At one point, he planned on creating a harem of every woman on the planet using them for his gratification. He is also known for his violent, borderline psychotic attitude once thrown into a fight. Almost no one can control him, except for Tia Noto Yoko, who is his main love interest. He has shown to have slightly softer side to him though, specifically around Tia Noto Yoko and his companions. He is seen in great distress when he believes Yoko is dead. He also gets extremely angry and jealous when he believes that Gara slept with her. He is influenced at times by his other half, Lucien, even when he isn't aware of it.

white hair lightning powers
Date User Changelist

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