Dee Vasquez

Dee Vasquez
Original Name
Romaji Name
Sakura Himegami
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
166.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 12543
Like # 20905
Trash # 3796

Dee Vasquez was the high-ranking producer of The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo as well as other shows produced by Global Studios. She had ties to the local mob, which she used from time to time to "erase" people. She was a witness in the murder of actor Jack Hammer. In 2011, Dee Vasquez witnessed a fatal accident involving action star Jack Hammer and a fellow actor named Manuel. Vasquez was producing a show starring Jack Hammer, but during a fight scene, Hammer accidentally pushed Manuel onto some sharp fence tips, killing him. A paparazzi took a photo of the incident, but they were silenced by Vasquez's mob contacts. Vasquez later used the accident to blackmail Hammer into doing what she wanted, including working on kids' TV shows as villains for petty change. Vasquez was generally very calm (to the point of appearing bored of everything around her) and rarely got angry, even when she was indicted for Hammer's murder. She treated Manella like dirt, but the latter didn't seem to mind. Although she did have a brief lapse in her composure when Wright began to get the better of her, she returned to her usual self when finally beaten and accepted her defeat calmly, being one of the few culprits Wright encountered to accept defeat graciously. The other notable break in her normal demeanor was just after Manuel's death, where she was openly horrified and screamed frantically for the actor not to die. Vasquez's extreme reaction to Manuel's death, as shown in a flashback, could indicate that she knew the actor personally. Alternatively, it may just show a producer panicking at having an actor die in front of her and under her care. She also at one point during Wright's investigation suggests that Manuel's death was not an accident, but that Hammer had done it on purpose. It's never confirmed whether what she says is true, although she does ask why else Hammer would let her mercilessly run his life otherwise.

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