Desirée "Dessie" DeLite is the motorcycle enthusiast and shopaholic wife of Ron DeLite. Desirée has a bad habit of overspending while shopping. Out of love, her husband did whatever was necessary to keep this habit going. After getting fired from his security job, a desperate Ron became "Mask☆DeMasque". Desirée also has a strong hatred for criminals due to her kidnapping, which made it difficult for Ron to admit what he was doing for her. As well as being generally quite friendly, she also liked to teasingly refer to Wright as "Nicky Boy", causing him to blush and Pearl Fey to slap him. She was greatly upset when Godot said that she could not be trusted with the presentation of the Sacred Urn from Atmey's office owing to the fact that she is Ron's wife. She is a major thrill seeker who enjoys taking risks and putting her "life on the line". Thus, she is happiest when her motorcycle is at full throttle. Both she and her husband share a fascination with ancient artifacts.
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