Diadra Valualeta Iselma is one of the people involved in the Twin Towers of Iselma incident of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files. She is the daughter of Byron Valualeta Iselma and older twin sister of Estella Valualeta Iselma. She is the Golden Princess (黄金姫, Koganehime). The twin Princesses of Gold and Silver are a product of Magecraft from over countless generations. Beauty is insuperable from humanity, so in Magi's view 'if one looks upon beauty, one becomes more beautiful'. Beauty is a sympathetic curse: as we appreciate art, the more it purifies our souls and spirits; the true nature of the feeling we express with the term 'beauty'. So if we were to witness something of extreme beauty, then we would be able to push our soul up into a higher plane of being all at once. The twin Princesses of Gold and Silver are a product of Magecraft so beautiful that the term is referred to as ____ or 「 」, an effect they can produce on demand at anytime, which Reines says isn't exaggerating to say it's in the realm of True Magic since the term isn't used lightly by Magi yet they can only be described as such. Haruri describes them as projecting a "beauty" so perfect that it blotted out the consciousness of anyone nearby just by existing, with the goal of achieving a form that seemingly reflects the universe itself. However, the princess is deaf, which is a hereditary problem in her family. It's a common pattern in Magecraft for one of the five senses to be sealed in order to sharpen one's Magecraft, and Iselma's Magecraft was built up by engraving that loss into their own genetic code. She is still able to manage most conversations by reading lips, and through Magecraft learning how to speak herself was no major obstacle.
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