Diane Ardant

Diane Ardant
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Diane is a character appearing in the 21st episode of Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar. She was a Cannon Club test pilot and an outstanding one at that, with her motto being “Always further”. Kerub met her when he was younger while he was a fellow test pilot. The members put themselves in a cannon using a kind of shell, which allowed them to travel very large distances very quickly. This activity was particularly dangerous because adjusting a cannon fire has a margin of error. Kerubim was her admirer and dreamed of being able to seduce her. As the human cannonball activity is practiced solo it is difficult to hold a conversation, but luck smiled on Kerubim. One day in the sky they collided and landed on a desert island. This proximity allowed Kerubim to discover his sweetheart and learn that her ultimate goal was to conquer the Moon. This completely crazy project is particularly risky, yet to impress Diane, Kerubim was ready to do anything. A giant cannon is made and they board a two-seater shell which will allow them to get to know each other better during the trip. Once landed on the Moon, they note that on this satellite of the World of Twelve, there is a breathable atmosphere (surprising given that there are no chlorophyll plants). While exploring, they are attacked by aliens. The latter are not warlike, but they must obey their king, General Glumosor, who does not hesitate to kill those who disobey him. In their small community, power is passed from one person to another with each earth eclipse. To maintain power, this tyrant was content to eliminate each new pretender to the throne, but this method will end up eradicating all his subjects. So he opted for the outright destruction of the World of Twelve. No eclipse, no more corona transmission. Before they manage to activate the cannon that will destroy the earth, Kerubim manages to free himself and send the dictator into the air and into outer space due to the moons weak gravity. After this act of bravery, Kerubim and Diane are adored and the aliens will help them return home using the cannon that was initially supposed to destroy the Earth. But when leaving, Diane refuses to return with Kerubim. Now that she has discovered that space is full of inhabited planets, she does not see herself returning to her planet which now seems far too small compared to her thirst for discovery. Her motto is “Always further” and she intends to stay true to herself. Before leaving, she kisses Kerubim proving the feelings she has for him, but they are not enough to hold her back. Kerubim therefore returned to Earth alone. Now, every time comet Halaize passes near the Earth, he looks at it through the telescope with nostalgia to see his sweetheart who uses the comet as a locomotive allowing her to visit new frontiers.

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