Draluc is an immortal higher vampire from the prestigious Dragon Clan who keeps dying and turning to dust from all kinds of small things. As his castle was destroyed, he moved in with Ronald, much to the other's dismay. Draluc is a typical-looking adult vampire with pale and bone-y complexion, pointy ears and nose. He has round lazy eyes, short black hair that is combed backwards that is a hairstyle similar to "Sally's Father". He wears a classic vampire black suit, black shoes, a pair of white gloves, white cravat, and as well as a large similar styled cape that is also worn by his family & relatives. Draluc is high and prideful, and has a habit to speak down from humans out of his upbringing with his mentor, and like any old traditional vampires of his time. However, he doesn't attack out of malice nor suck blood from humans without their consent. Whenever the mischief he causes is too much or going over a line, Draluc actively recognizes his wrongs and apologizes to an extent even if he hated it deep inside.
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