Elizabeth Liones is the third adoptive princess and current queen of the Kingdom of Liones, the 107th and current incarnation of the Goddess Elizabeth, the wife of Meliodas, and internim captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. She is the deuteragonist of the series. Originally an alleged survivor of Danafor's destruction, Elizabeth was adopted and raised by the king Bartra Liones. After the Holy Knights rebel, she sets out on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins, becoming a waitress for Meliodas' tavern Boar Hat. She later awakened as a Goddess and become the Seven Deadly Sins' most prominent ally, participating in their battles against the Ten Commandments and later the Demon Clan in the New Holy War. Elizabeth is a beautiful young woman with a slender yet curvaceous physique, a big bust and regular height. She has very pale skin, large light blue eyes which can turn orange while gaining a triskele (though initially it only was her right eye), and long silver hair reaching her waist. Her bangs firstly covered her right eye but later stopped, later ending with a similar hairstyle to her original incarnation after being sliced across the forehead by one of Chandler's Split Tama. Elizabeth wanted poster's image is very accurate, since she had been in the kingdom very recently. Elizabeth always wears a blue earring with the symbol of the Liones royal family, compromising of the sun, the moon, and stars. At the start, Elizabeth wore a set of old rusted armor several sizes larger than her and a black, skintight jumpsuit underneath. As a waitress in Boar Hat, Elizabeth wears a pink buttoned shirt with a black ribbon and a midriff exposing her belly button, a dark mini skirt, strapped with a pink (orange in the anime) belt, a black stocking on her left leg, and black-white heels. During the attack of the Albion and the visit to Istar, Elizabeth wore a maid outfit similar to the maids in Liones castle. During the Great Fight Festival, Elizabeth wore a purple (blue in the anime) short dress, a silver armor from the Druids covered of golden designs, and short white boots. She later changed her outfit to an open-backed blue (navy blue in the anime) button up shirt with a white (pink in the anime) necktie, a short white skirt with slits and a belt, and a long black stocking on her right leg with black heels. During the New Holy War she wears a white dress, covered by a short pink coat, and fluffy white and pink winter boots, all made by Merlin. Elizabeth is a very polite, grateful and caring individual who prefers a rather peaceful, diplomatic approach, even during war. She often shows a calm yet incredibly warm attitude towards others, helping them as much as she can and offering home to strangers. Despite there being several bad rumors about them, Elizabeth shows a lot of respect and trust towards the Seven Deadly Sins, even addressing them with the titles 'lord' and 'lady' at first. She is very open and tends to cooperate with others quite well, all in order to surpass their goals and return to their beloved ones. Elizabeth is very fragile, being easily injured by two of Ruin's attacks. Despite this, Elizabeth has shown to be very brave and courageous. Her selflessness and bravery are seen when recklessly tried to rescue a child from Storm Rondo, which earned her respect from the Deadly Sins. More often than not, her determination acts as an inspiration to others. She is also optimistic as she believed that everything would be alright during the battle in Vaizel. Furthermore, Elizabeth has become very strong-willed prior to Dana's case, even remaining determined to stop the Holy Knights despite Veronica's apparent death and only cried when alone to not let others see her tears and running the Boar Hat with the same as Meliodas when he died despite being devasted and hoped one day he would come back. Elizabeth initially had relatively low self-esteem and self doubt, often feeling insecure about being powerless and not being useful to her friends in battle. After Liones was set free and Meliodas didn't want her to continue to travel with him for her own safety, she grew more determined to become stronger and unlock her hidden powers in order to help everyone and no longer be useless, automatically willing to go through with doing so the moment Merlin points it out. After departing from Istar, she vows to be more confident in herself and never complain about her flaws again. Since then, she has become less timid, more independent, more assertive, and more than willing to help her friends in any way she currently can. After fully regaining her previous memories and unlocking all her powers, Elizabeth becomes more than willing to directly participate in battle. Elizabeth initially tended to stress out and obsess over her struggles as a Boar Hat waitress. As she was learning the ropes, Elizabeth did this so much that she failed to see most customers enjoying her company and not caring one bit about her screwing up. As her confidence grew however, Elizabeth started to notice the unconditionally satisfied customers, stopped worrying about failing, and instead started focusing on doing her best. Despite being a princess, Elizabeth is not so graceful, usually comically falling down during her duties as a waitress, still retaining some of her antics even after her memory recovery. Elizabeth also has a timid and shy side, which is shown whenever her voice starts to tremble. According to Diane, Elizabeth is very apologetic, saying sorry to her friends on more than one occasion and sometimes acting stressed out whenever she apologizes. She also is fairly gullible and honest, always being tricked by Meliodas' antics and responding rather innocent or literal to jokes in general. She also displays naivety when she wanders in the Bandits' Hideout thinking that the bandits can help her obtain ingredients without even knowing their true colors.[8]Elizabeth is often harassed by Meliodas but doesn't mind it after hearing his poor excuses, eventually growing more casual with his perverted antics and blushing less. She immediately becoming bashful when someone like Gowther talks about her romantic feelings for Meliodas though, which is possibly feeling a hidden key to her past lives as his deceased lovers. When Meliodas came back from death, she allows him to grope her as much as he wants, showing how much she missed him and how she got used to him. Elizabeth can react in different ways around people depending on how they behave. For example, she can feel nervous or uncomfortable around anyone stressing out, acting undignified, or invading her own personal space. An example of this is shown when King gets too close to Elizabeth while apologizing for not having manners in front of a princess. Elizabeth also gets easily scared, intimidated, or stressed out by anyone expressing anger towards her or let alone using a mad tone of voice with her around. After recovering the memories of her past lives, Elizabeth's personality became a mixture between the original Goddess and the princess of Liones. She is much more mature and determined. Her feelings for her loved ones are maintained, especially her love for Meliodas, wishing above all things to prevent him from becoming the Demon King even if this means that her curse will kill her again. The wishes of her original incarnation to avoid conflicts and achieve peace with the Demon Clan are shown in how she seeks to negotiate with the demon army instead of fighting it and even protecting one of the Ten Commandments. As a child, Elizabeth was a bit rebellious, often doing dangerous things to get her father's attention since she was not his biological daughter. She eventually grew curious about the mentions of other Elizabeths that were linked to Meliodas and confronted him, but was lied to the point of crying in anger. After eventually finding out the truth from Zeldris, Elizabeth was happy and relieved, even after remembering the curse. She also retains strong attachments to her current life's friends and family, keeping her feelings towards Meliodas as strong as ever.
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