Ema Skye

Ema Skye
Original Name
宝月 茜
Romaji Name
Akane Hōzuki
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
154.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 1685
Like # 1589
Trash # 2448

Ema Skye is a forensics scientist with the Los Angeles Criminal Affairs Department who was the detective in charge of Apollo Justice's first few cases. As a teenager, nine years before she became a detective, she was Phoenix Wright's investigative partner and co-counsel in the murder of Bruce Goodman and also aided Miles Edgeworth in some of his cases. Ema Skye is responsible for introducing forensic investigation techniques to Wright, Edgeworth, Justice, and Athena Cykes. Ema Skye is generally cheerful and optimistic, especially when it comes to forensic science. She was more withdrawn as a detective, disliking talking to people on any subject other than forensics, though she mellowed out after finally getting her dream job. Even with her time as a detective being a relatively low point from her perspective, she would immediately cheer up if the opportunity to engage in or discuss forensic investigation presented itself, and would sneakily investigate crime scenes when the assigned forensic investigators were not around. While investigating with Phoenix, Ema had a tendency to write down notes in her notepad, even if they were completely irrelevant to the case at hand. Later on, she would type into her phone instead. She was a fan of Global Studios's Samurai franchise, with her ringtone being the Steel Samurai theme and her bag having a chibi Pink Princess on it. She also expressed a dislike of horror movies. Due to her family and career path, Ema has worked with multiple prosecutors. She deeply admires Lana and Edgeworth, though she is not a fan of the latter's office. In contrast, she has a combative relationship with Klavier, to the point of referring to him a "glimmerous fop". Besides being unable to stand how he treats her, she is also resentful of him for his role in Wright's disbarment. Her relationship with Nahyuta was more complicated: he genuinely appreciated working with her and she appreciated his calm and polite mannerisms; however, she also found herself frustrated with Nahyuta's unreadable nature and preachy attitude, and found herself at odds with him due to knowing all three of the defendants whom he prosecuted while working with her. According to Ema, prosecutors should be "simmerous" and "cool of wit and furrowed of brow". Ema enjoys Snackoos, spending large quantities of time vigorously munching on them, particularly when annoyed, sad, or stressed. She sometimes throws them at people who annoy her.

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