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Eri is the boss of Team Star's Fighting Crew, a student at the Naranja/Uva Academies, and a major antagonist in the Starfall Street storyline of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. She specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon. Eri is a tall girl that themes herself after the lucha libre much like Hawlucha. She wears a completely white outfit with knee-high stockings. Her luchador mask is blue, pink and purple, with white "fangs" next to her mouth to add a sense of intimidation. A black star with a white lightning bolt is above her left eye. Eri's fighting type preference is reflected in how she casually dresses as a pro wrestler. Wearing a mask and clothes that enhance the appearance of her hands and feet similar to Sneasler's appearance. Fighting type is known as being the "Justice type" to contrast Dark type being "Evil" and thus despite Eri being a boss of Team Star, she is fiercely protective of her friends. Coincidently she is the tallest, reflecting a trend that Fighting types are bigger and taller and more "human" than other pokemon as the Fighting type regional variants indicate. Despite being a powerful and skilled fighter and Trainer with her preference for Fighting-type Pokémon, Eri is extremely kind outside of fighting. Even after being bullied by her fellow classmates, she took in one of her bullies, a student named Carmen, after she had suffered bullying by her classmates, causing Carmen to become fiercely loyal to her in gratitude. Being one of the oldest members of Team Star, she has a big sister-like mentality to her friends and other students. She does enjoy wrestling and sport fighting, but doesn't enjoy seeing others get hurt, so she often maintains a scary appearance so everyone will likely target her instead of her friends, but after the bullying is formally stopped at the school, she is able to turn her love for sports and reaching out to a positive influence as other students show genuine interest in her wrestling club. Due to her kindness, she can tell when a Trainer's Pokémon have complete trust in their owner. Like Penny, she takes it upon herself to make sure everyone else is okay.

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