Erika Furudo is a detective created by Bernkastel to crush the Illusion of the Witch and is a rival to Battler Ushiromiya. She first appears in End of the Golden Witch. Erika has dark blue eyes and hair. Her long hair is in pigtails. She is estimated to be about Jessica's age, but she's more petite. She has a similar appearance to Bernkastel due to being created in her image. She wears a fancy pink dress with frills and a white and pink canotier with red roses on it. The pink dress she wears is one that actually belongs to Jessica. In the Twilight manga, console ports and pachinko sprite set, Erika wears a pirate hat. Initially, Erika comes off as a sweet, polite, and soft-spoken young lady who is immediately loved and trusted by most of the Ushiromiya family soon after washing up on Rokkenjima. But this is merely a facade, as Erika is truly an arrogant, sadistic, ruthless and cruel woman who cares little for anyone but herself and her master Bernkastel. She's highly intelligent and doesn't hesitate to use it to lord herself over others. When dropping her sickeningly sweet facade, Erika occasionally says, in English, <Good!> or <Very Good!> when excited or very pleased by something. She revels in dismantling the theories of others and substituting what she believes is the one true truth. Yet she also goes into meltdown whenever her "truth" gets a hole punched through it. Erika even considers herself more powerful than Bernkastel and Lambdadelta in a way, because they'd rather distract themselves from their past miseries with other people's suffering than face those memories (and thus the truth) head-on. Erika's confidence in her abilities leads her to often underestimate her opponents. She also demonstrates a rather vindictive side to her character during End of the Golden Witch when she informs Battler why she wanted to solve the epitaph in the first place: she wanted to not only sneer at whoever proposed the epitaph's riddle, but to get revenge on Jessica for interrupting her during her solving of the epitaph; she wanted to see the angry and pitiful expression Jessica would likely don upon realizing that Battler stole the headship from her father as well. Her hatred of Battler stems from losing to him later on. She clearly delights in the idea of raping Battler's helpless body after forcing him to marry her. In spite of serving Bernkastel, she denies magic and love, saying that love is nothing but an illusion that distracts from the truth, though the events of Dawn of the Golden Witch would suggest that her denial of love stems from a past lover's infidelity.
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