Fáfnir Husbando

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Fáfnir is the main antagonist of Book V of Fire Emblem Heroes. He is the king of Niðavellir and the older adoptive brother of Ótr and Reginn. He was once a kind man and a benevolent king, but became power hungry and now wants to invade other worlds. With his sights set on conquering Askr, the homeland of Alfonse and Sharena, he fights the Order of Heroes, including his adopted sister Reginn. He wears the Crown of the Dvergar, an artifact that enhances his strength and makes him almost invincible. When a coup d'état toppled the kingdom of Niðavellir and the old king was killed, the country fell to ruin and was unable to muster a force large enough to invade a country. Eventually, Fáfnir seized the throne by force and became their king, who the people welcomed, ignoring the fact that he was not dvergr royalty. Amidst the chaos, a pair of siblings found shelter in a village where they were later discovered by Fáfnir who adopted them as his new step siblings. But while the siblings and subjects deeply loved the new king, the righteousness they thought they saw in him didn't last long, as he'd quickly become a tyrant, subjugating his people and invading other countries. When Fáfnir began his invasion of Askr, Reginn was sent to lead the first wave. When she failed to return, Ótr was initially concerned, but Fáfnir was not. He later discovered than his sister Reginn joined the Order of Heroes and faced her and her allies. He defeated them easily, but Eitri appeared and escaped with the Heroes. Furious, Fáfnir decided to continue his path so he could invade Askr. He ultimately defeated most of the Askran soldiers and encountered again the Heroes, while believing that Eitri remained on their side and was unaware that she betrayed his enemies (and that the sage and Ótr were using him). He again defeated the Heroes and went to the castle of the queen of Askr, Henriette. He threatened the queen in order to force her to open the gate of Askr, but is interrupted by Alfonse and the rest of the Order of Heroes and defeated in battle. He is then arrested for his crimes, but is soon freed by Loki, and in exchange, he agreed to do something for her. Upon returning to Ótr, Fáfnir reveals that he figured out about his alliance to Eitri before suffering more headaches. After recovering, he begins to set his sights on the Emblian Empire. After a swift invasion, Fáfnir enters the Temple of Blood and finds a copy of Breidablik where Loki reveals Eitri created it. Outraged, Fáfnir halts the invasion of Embla and heads back to his realm to get answers. Upon confronting the sage, Eitri reveals that Fáfnir was summoned by the Breidablik copy as part of her ploy to restore Niðavellir, but as he was summoned from his world, Fáfnir was struck with amnesia. Though he begs to be returned to his realm, Eitri converts him into a mechanical dragon. When the Order of Heroes finally arrive in the capital of Niðavellir, they find Fáfnir, now consumed by madness, and the city mostly in ruins. Ótr attempts to fight them again to stop them from restoring Fáfnir, but is quickly defeated, with Gramr stolen from him. In the throes of death, Ótr heads toward Fáfnir for help, but the fallen king swiftly kills his adoptive brother, failing to recognize him. Eventually, the Order of Heroes manage to get to the Niðavellir castle where they battle Fáfnir again throughout the halls. While the group outnumbers him, Fáfnir deals brutal attacks toward the group, even landing a fatal blow on Nótt. Seeing the damage wrought by the fallen king, Reginn ultimately decides to kill Fáfnir and deals the fatal blow with Gramr. The attack restores Fáfnir's sanity, and he regains his memories, including those of his real family back in his home world. He succumbs to his wounds moments later, but not before sharing a last heartfelt moment with his adoptive sister, much to Reginn's grief.

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