Framme is a playable character from Fire Emblem Engage. Framme is a high-spirited young girl who worships Alear with a passion. While eager to please the Divine Dragon, she is often starstruck by the littlest things they do and freely expresses her amazement for them doing something as mundane as drinking water. Nonetheless, her devotion is true and has stated that she would frequently talk to Alear while they slept, not knowing if they would wake up during her time. She has a strong relationship with her twin brother and the two are the self-appointed presidents of the Divine Dragon Club. On the battlefield, she is usually the one cheering on the Divine Dragon the hardest and encourages other people devoted to Alear to give similar energy. For all her cheer and passion, Framme is careless with her duties at times and by her own admission is scatter-brained. She feels insecure of her position as a result and is downtrodden whenever she makes mistakes. Likewise she feels bad when told her cheering distracts Alear during their training. Nonetheless, she takes advice to heart and strives to meet Vander's expectations of her and become a proper steward for the Divine Dragon.
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