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Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of Undertale. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface. Frisk is the last of the eight humans to fall into the Underground after traveling to Mount Ebott. Frisk is not the "fallen human" whom the player names at the beginning of the game, but Frisk's name is only revealed in the True Pacifist Route. Frisk is a dark-yellow-skinned human child who wears a blue shirt with purple colored stripes, blue pants, and brown shoes. They have medium-length straight brown hair, short and choppy bangs, and a blank expression. Though Frisk does not show much expression in the overworld, NPCs often describe Frisk's expressions.[1] Just like the first human, they have no stated gender and are solely referred to as "they" throughout the game.[2] Frisk's personality is usually ambiguous, allowing the player to project any personality onto Frisk. However, the narration that describes Frisk's actions occasionally changes depending on their LOVE. Frisk speaks to NPCs throughout the game, especially when ACTing in encounters, but the exact dialogue is shown only when the game gives multiple dialogue options. NPCs' dialogue boxes display "..." to show that the NPC is listening to Frisk,[3] and some NPCs respond to questions that Frisk asks.[4] Depending on their actions, players can interpret Frisk as merciful and kind or merciless and violent. Some NPCs emphasize Frisk's kindness, understanding, and grace in the epilogue.[5] Frisk is obedient and only disallows player input when they follow someone else's instructions, such as when Sans tells them to hide behind the conveniently-shaped lamp Frisk's determination grants the power to SAVE,[6] heal at SAVE Points, and respawn at SAVE Points after death. This power emerged when Frisk first awoke in the Ruins. Frisk can reload the SAVE file to repeat events that occur after it, but NPCs' memories are not completely erased unless a True Reset occurs. After the True Pacifist ending, Flowey's dialogue implies that Frisk is not the being who is manipulating SAVE files. Frisk is the only character who is ever shown using items or gaining EXP. Flowey attempts to kill Frisk after he pretends to offer honest advice.[7] Toriel intervenes, hits Flowey with fire magic, and serves as a guide to the Ruins. At the end of a long room, Toriel asks Frisk to wait for her to return and states that she has errands to do. To be safe, Toriel gives Frisk a cell phone to call her with. Frisk travels through the remaining puzzles in the Ruins and eventually arrives at Toriel's home. They ask Toriel "how to exit the RUINS," which prompts Toriel to destroy the Ruins's exit. Toriel then battles Frisk because she wants them to prove that they can survive outside of the Ruins.[8] Then, Frisk meets Sans and Papyrus in Snowdin Forest. The brothers set up traps and puzzles in an attempt to capture Frisk. After passing through Snowdin, Papyrus battles Frisk. Undyne, the head of the Royal Guard, pursues Frisk throughout Waterfall. Monster Kid often saves Frisk from Undyne by accident because they are so excited to see Undyne in action.[9] After a chase scene, Undyne destroys a bridge that Frisk is standing on, and Frisk falls into the Garbage Dump. Before they get up, they recall a memory from the first human.[10] In the garbage dump, Mad Dummy battles Frisk after accusing them of mistreating their cousin, Dummy, in the Ruins. At the end of Waterfall, Undyne battles Frisk after she gives an abridged monologue atop a crag.

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