Gaimon is a former pirate who currently lives as a hermit on the Island of Rare Animals. Gaimon possesses a notably pear-shaped face, green hair, and a pronounced uni-brow. In his youth, he appeared to be a relatively scrawny man of average height. Shortly after landing on the Island of Rare Animals, most of his body was irreversibly compressed into a treasure chest, leaving only his head, hands, and feet free (and one of his teeth dislodged). Gaimon was a stereotypically greedy pirate, caring about little more than plunder. This greed was slowly eroded by his decades of solitude on the Island of Rare Animals, causing him to prize peace and companionship more than any material wealth. Gaimon is highly protective of anything he deems treasure, and as a result tends to be hostile to any strangers he meets, but he can prove to be remarkably friendly and helpful, especially to fellow castaways.
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