Goldmary is a character from Fire Emblem Engage. She is, unofficially, one of Hortensia's retainers. Goldmary is a bold woman who tends to be vain about both her appearance and culinary skill, though her statements about these are made with a degree of superficial modesty. She can be competitive in both of these regards, challenging those who compete with her in these fields. As revealed in her conversations with Alear, Goldmary was raised with much affection and care by her parents, always receiving praise from them and the customers at their family's inn. Because of this, Goldmary developed a strong sense of self-importance. But once she began to attend Elusia Academy and came face-to-face with people who were more talented than her, it only further pushed her to seek perfection through her own efforts, and the validation of others. Because of this, she grows extremely anxious when she doesn't receive that validation. This is shown in her support with Framme, where she nearly breaks down at the thought of being caught eating with an unflattering expression, and thus giving anyone who might have seen it a lower opinion of her. Also in how she continuously seeks out compliments from several characters, such as Alear and Boucheron. This leads to a rather conceited and demanding personality, which clashes with other strong personalities such as Etie's. Despite this, she does have a much more kindhearted side, often shown in her interactions with others. She helps Yunaka work through her trauma of housework by teaching her a method to cope with it, offers a special ingredient to enhance Saphir's dish despite engaging in a cooking contest with her, and teaches Panette and Rosado how to cook at their request. With Lapis, she reveals a much humbler side, feeling comfortable enough to be herself around someone with similar village origins. Hortensia as well, who she considers a close friend, and is indebted to for saving her life in the past. Her Fell counterpart had no charisma or confidence, and Fell Hortensia looks up to the original Goldmary because of this.
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