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Goto Ryuji (고토 류지) was the strongest hunter in Japan and the Guild Master of the Draw Sword Guild. Goto was a handsome and muscular man with shaggy black hair and a neatly trimmed black beard. When using his powers or agitated, his eyes glowed pure white. During the 4th Jeju Island Raid, he wore his guild's standard black battle uniform and wielded a long red katana. On the surface, Goto presented himself as a calm, collected, and polite individual who rarely ever showed signs of alarm or anger. However, in reality, he was consumed by overconfidence and had a cruel disregard for human life, as displayed when he left the Korean S-Rank Hunters to die for his own gain and showed no sympathy for his guild members when he discovered their corpses. He was also cunning and inquisitive, as he was the one who hatched the plot to lead the Korean S-Rankers to their deaths and was quick to realize that Jinwoo was more powerful than he looked.
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