Granamyr Husbando

Original Name
Granamyr the Wise
Romaji Name
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
Blood Type
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Popularity # 40122
Like # 39467
Trash # 37014

Being noted as an ancient Dragon that resided with others of his kind at Darksmoke, it was known that Granamyr lived during the terrible time when his people and those of Humans fought one another in Eternia's distant past. This was until a truce was settled between the two where the Dragons decided to leave the rest of the world and live in isolation at Darksmoke. Granamyr himself is over 10,000 years old, as it was stated he hadn't had a good laugh since that time. At some point during the past, it was known that the evil dragon Shadow Wing was an opponent of his who was later imprisoned in an obelisk to shield the world from his evil. Granamyr's great power made him a powerful sorcerer and was empowered by the mystical fires from the Pit of Shadows. The She Ra: Princess of Power episode Darksmoke and Fire features Adora accidentally being thrown into Eternia's past, where she witnesses the battle between the dragons and humans that were living with them at this point and dragonphobic humans firsthand. It is revealed that the war was started by a wizard seeking to set the humans and dragons against each other. To that end, he carried out an attack on a human food supply and then blamed it on the dragons, provoking them into declaring war against the dragons.

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