Gregory Edgeworth Husbando

Gregory Edgeworth
Original Name
Romaji Name
Shin Mitsurugi
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
176.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 17816
Like # 18065
Trash # 15113

Gregory Edgeworth was a well-known veteran defense attorney, the head of the Edgeworth Law Offices, and the father of Miles Edgeworth. He was the victim of the DL-6 Incident. Gregory Edgeworth was a very talented criminal defense attorney and his son Miles idolized him. Such was this adoration that Miles wanted someday to become a defense attorney just like his father, and even intervened in a class trial to defend an innocent classmate accused of stealing his own lunch money. He objected to the accusation because there was no proof of who the culprit was. The boy was found innocent, and when asked why Miles had defended him, the aspiring defense attorney cited his father as his inspiration. Gregory Edgeworth was the kind of defense attorney who was not afraid to stand up against corruption. This could be seen both in his in-court confrontation with von Karma and in Miles' admiration of him. He used a calm, methodical approach to his investigations, preferring to use logic and confront witnesses directly at the scene. He refrained from judging others until he saw what they were like face-to-face. He also had a rather serious, professional demeanor at all times, only smiling when he made a wrong deduction, though this was really more of a nervous grin. Miles inherited many of his father's methods, though he would come off as cold and ruthless due to his relative lack of tact. Though Gregory and Shields only investigated together for the IS-7 Incident, that one investigation left a strong impression. Gregory appreciated Shields' enthusiasm and dedication, though he was about as confused as everyone else by the young man's habit of eating his notes. Gregory gladly had Shields stand by his side during the IS-7 trial, and promised to give his trench coat to the young man once he became an attorney himself. After Gregory's death, Shields indeed inherited the coat, as well as Gregory Edgeworth's law firm and his hat. Indeed, Shields could still be seen wearing said hat during his meeting with Miles in 2019. Gregory didn't know much about what was popular with children, as his own son was more into reading textbooks than watching TV or having friends. He thought of Miles once in a while during his investigations, sometimes looking at certain objects and thinking to himself, "Maybe my son would enjoy this."

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