Codenamed as "Cyborg Guy," Guy is the main protagonist of the series. Guy was originally a New Meat astronaut working for the Space Development Corporation, but was fatally injured by El-01 during one of his space missions. He was lucky enough to be saved by Galeon and was found in a coma holding a mysterious stone to which secret intelligence later termed it “G-Stone.” In order to preserve his life, his father turned him into a cyborg, and used the G-stone Guy was holding as his main life support. Because of his new cyborg body, he is stronger, faster and more durable than any human, which is why he considers it his responsibility to use his enhanced body to protect humanity with the rest of the GGG. In battle, he can do a fusion with Galeon to form the Super Robot GaiGar, which in turn can do another fusion with other "Gao Machines" called the Final Fusion, forming the titular mecha GaoGaiGar. When on foot, Guy has several abilities which he can use to fight enemies hand-to-hand, including his Will Knife and Hyper Mode, the latter which can be activated for two minutes at a time to make Guy even stronger and faster.
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