Hayes Vi Arcadia

Hayes Vi Arcadia
Original Name
Romaji Name
Place of Origin
The Holy Arcadia Empire
Date of Birth
Blood Type
Submitted By
Damon Cross
Popularity # 22696
Like # 26680
Trash # 10436

Hayes Vi Arcadia was the Third Imperial Princess of the Holy Arcadia Empire who won the King of Vices' trust to become Heiburg Republic's strategist, being assigned as the leader of her own squadron known as Cerberus, and founded the Dragon Marauders. Also known as the Black Marketer, Hayes was notorious for providing various weapons (or information) to aristocrats across the continent, from Horn Flutes that summon both Abyss and Ragnarok to even Drag-Rides, all to witness the fall of the New Kingdoms' monarchy from within. APPEARANCE Hayes had silver hair, a common trait among her family. She had heterochromic eyes, with her right colored grey and her left colored blue. PERSONALITY She is very sadistic and merciless when she haHayes was a proud yet manipulative person who enjoys watching chaos around her and tended to belittle most people, such as Fugil who she despised the most or Lux who she called the "False Prince". s no uses of those who failed her and turned her back on them.

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