Ichika Amasawa

Ichika Amasawa
Place of Origin \ Birthplace
Date of Birth
June 17th


Blood Type
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Popularity # 3174
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Trash # 6302

Description \ Bio

Ichika Amasawa is currently one of the first-year students of Advanced Nurturing High School. At the start of the 2nd Year Arc, she is assigned under Class 1-A. Ichika has straight scarlet hair that is tied into twin tails and laced with red ribbons, and gradient dark-red eyes. Noted by Kushida, Ichika's colorful eyes are like hollow empty voids had lost touch with reality. She is seen so far wearing the school formal attire consisting of an orange blouse paired with an unbuttoned crimson blazer with a blue ribbon, a short-length white sailor striped pleated skirt, and black thigh-highs. Ichika possesses high levels of seductiveness and appeals that can effortlessly charm the likes of Ken Sudō into believing her words for a moment based on how she conducts herself in feeling him up with one finger. Ichika has a very mischievous and boisterous personality, devilishly teasing every person she has interests in with her shenanigans, even when it annoys them. Because of that, she was described by Kikyō Kushida to have a rotten, smug, and condescending attitude. Ichika is extremely playful with her lexicon of words, not taking what she says in the open seriously and regards them as fun and amusement by evading someone's question or telling a bald-faced lie. Ichika has a whimsical manner of doing things, choosing to act according to her impish impulses, although sometimes following through with whatever she plans unless it is of interest to her after careful deliberations to change them. In many ways, Ichika has shown to be fickle, quickly changing her mind at any given moment in time even in the midst of negotiations. She is perceptive and understanding of what others may think of her based on her actions and in many situations, she has pointed out what others wanted to say before they even get a word out and shooting their arguments and excuses straight down making them speechless. Ichika can come off as quite provocative with her shrewd remarks, making others feel stingy in the way she acts around them without caring of how others may judge her as. She knows how to make others vulnerable and play to her strength of lambasting her opponents to negatively alter their state of mind and forcing them to make detrimental mistakes. On the flip-side, she also knows how to appeal to the strength and weaknesses of others and make them think positively, in turn causing them to trust her and doing what she wants without delay. However, when she gets serious the only word that can describe her would be terrifying as she won’t stop unless she gets her desired outcome and is capable to displaying her malicious aura. In some regards, Ichika can be often seen as tolerant of what people's words are towards her such as when Kiyotaka calls her some sort of demon for doing whatever she pleases recklessly in spending her private points on things, although this privilege may only be given to her beloved senpai. She has an abundance of self-esteem and values herself highly when people request her services when making deals, demanding more in return through conspiring with them and ensuring she reaps some sort of benefits. Ichika has a habit of speaking casually with a relaxed tone in all sorts of situations she finds herself in unless she feels upset and offended by what she heard. She is a misfit within her classroom as nobody dares to reach out to the former and befriend her socially. Despite having amazing communication skills, Ichika admits that she is bad at making friends with the people in her class and doesn’t make the effort or have the intent to do so. Nonetheless, Ichika is thoughtful and reminisces about her way of life back in the White Room and the peers she got to know there which happens to matter to her much more than Kiyotaka which is her idol of worship, due to the difference in time spent and lack of familiarity. She dislikes seeing outsiders like Kikyō Kushida get in the way of expelling Kiyotaka as people like them have no right to interfere except for those who are rightfully involved such as herself. She shows an immense amount of care for Kiyotaka and will take steps to protect him at any cost and has been able to hide her secret affection for him from everyone. She is perspicacious and sagacious when planning ahead and is on the tier of Arisu and Honami in those aspects. Moreover, she is perfectly capable of being aplomb, sangfroid, and maintaining a high sense of unflappability in demanding situations as well as astute enough to turn them into her advantage at a moment’s notice. She is also not above resorting to physical violence even against someone who is disabled if they ever got under her skin. She is also cautious to not overstep her boundaries as she recognised her physical injuries being an impediment and decided to sit out and recover before taking her next action.

teen absolute territory boisterous condescending hair ribbons hazel eyes mischievous over-knee socks red hair school uniform shenanigans smug teasing twintails yellow eyes zettai ryōiki
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