Ichika Iori

Ichika Iori
Original Name
Romaji Name
Ikika Iori
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A member of the Metro PD Juvenile Division and childhood friend of Nozomi. She helps Nozomi start up Valkyria using her resources as a police officer, hoping to eventually leverage the organization as a way to (re)join her department's Anti-Organized Crime Unit. Muscles Are Meaningful: It's shown during her fight with Sara that Ichika has a fairly muscular build compared to Nozomi and Hana, and by Nozomi's own admission she is the strongest out of the three of them (or at least was, when the three trained together.) Nominal Hero: It is more than a little telling that one of her primary goals is seizing a terroristic cult's stockpile of chemical weapons into police custody and she still can't be considered more than morally grey at best. Non-Standard Character Design: In contrast to the other main characters, Ichika is not conventionally attractive, having sharp teeth and beady eyes. This becomes even more apparent with how often her face distorts whenever she is excited or angry, to the point of almost dipping into Gonk territory. Scary Teeth: All of her teeth sans molars are extremely sharp to the point of resembling shark teeth, though it isn't really Played for Horror until her fight with Sara, where they get special emphasis right before she bites into her neck. Unstoppable Rage: To the point where just seeing her angry enough convinces Hana and Riko that her fight with Sara is as good as done, and they aren't too far off with that assumption. Combat Pragmatist: Compared to every other fighter in the series so far, Ichika doesn't particuarly rely on any martial arts style and seems to lack the stamina necessary to win any contest of endurance. Instead, she perfers to use every dirty trick in the book combined with excessive force to end the fight as quickly as possible. This is best shown in her match against Sara, where Ichika subdued the masochist by repeatedly slamming her skull against solid concrete, proceeded to then pull a page out of Akoya Seishu's book by using her shark-like teeth to chomp down on Sara's throat, then when that wasn't enough, Ichika dug her hand under Sara's sternum to obstruct her diaphram long enough for the crazed Konshin practioner to inevitably pass out via Erotic Asphyxiation. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While not exactly stupid, she's quite the slacker and easily angered. She's also an extremely competent detective, when she, Nozomi and Hana went to a martial arts gym in high school was easily the strongest, and as a cop managed to inflict a Curb-Stomp Battle at the Sena Sisters, at the same time (with a steel pipe, mind you). Dirty Cop: And how. She sells the police department's confiscated items, used her position in the Gang Unit to help Hana's Yakuza family, and recruits delinquents she's encountered from the Juvenile Division as fighters for Valkyria. It is even her title when she is fighting during the Slaughter Colosseum exhibition. Horrifying the Horror: "Murder Queen" Karen Watanabe is noted to have killed at least one opponent, and Yuzuha admits she may have not become champion of the Slaughter Colosseum had Sugaya not decided to keep Karen in reserve due being too psychotic. But when she sees Iori fighting, Karen is glad it's not her who had to fight the cop. Irony: When she starts to slam Sara's head against the fight arena's wall one of the reactions among the shocked crowd is a yell for someone to call the police. Chekhov's Skill: Despite being strong enough that Nozomi is surprised she would have trouble dealing with the Sena Sisters, Ichika has no interest in doing anything outside of management as far as underground fighting is concerned. It isn't until all other options are exhausted for Valkyria's roster during the exhibition against the Slaughter Colosseum that she finally gets involved with fighting herself. Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Ichika is a unapologetically corrupt cop with a Hair-Trigger Temper and a mouth filthier than a septic tank, but she is a very competent detective and succeeded in building a dense network of connections to rely on even after she got booted from the Anti-Organized Crime Unit. Ichika also somehow single-handedly defeated both Sena Sisters, at the same time. Ax-Crazy: Zigg-Zagged. Despite not being a calm person by any means, she isn't prone to unnecessary fighting the way Hina is. When she does fight, however, it doesn't take much to push her to the point where anything and everything up to killing her opponent is on the table. Badass Boast: She drops a stone cold one against Yukihira Sara during the walkout.

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