Appears In
Ilya Mao (イリヤ・マオ, Iriya Mao) is a character appearing in the anime/manga series, Beyblade Burst QuadDrive. She fights with her Beyblade, Magma Ifritor Ciquex-Q Jaggy-Q+Wave-4. Ilya has a rather playful, relaxed attitude. Being extremely strategic and calculating, she tries to get into her opponents' head. Outgoing and snarky, she is also shown to be quite mischievous, since she made a bet with Bel Daizora, stating that the loser would have to be the winner's servant for an entire day. Despite her seemingly care-free nature, Ilya is very passionate about Beyblade and challenging strong opponents, considering her prime reason for joining BC Sol was to challenge Free De La Hoya and Valt Aoi and has a rather competitive nature, and gets rather upset when she loses, retracting from other people and maintaining a serious demeanor for a while, as shown after her battle with Lui Shirosagi. Ilya seems to have little regard for rules, an example being when she had a battle with Bel despite not being allowed to do so when the show wasn't filming. Ilya has a few cat-like eccentricities, such as wearing a cat ear helmet and hissing during battle.
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