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Master X Master
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Popularity # 24735
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Trash # 10550

Innowin is the adopted daughter of a Reclamation soldier and his wife. She was raised on one of the settlements in the Amaari planetary system, and grew into a happy, healthy girl under the care of her adoptive family. She doesn't know who her real parents are, but as orphans were not uncommon in the migration from Earth and the aftermath, she's never questioned it. The one clue from her past is Nova, her self-made particle rifle built around a piece of Sol she wore as a childhood necklace. If she was ever able to access the consciousness locked within it, she may be able to uncover her past. A talented sharp-shooter, Innowin wields Nova like an extension of herself—and treats it as such, talking to it as one would a pet or a friend. When she was a teenager, she took some odd jobs as a mercenary to help her family make ends meet, which eventually drew the attention of engineers and thieves interested in Nova. With scoundrels constantly pursuing her to try and swipe Nova, she feared for her family's safety. Fortunately, it also attracted the attention of Imadath, who offered to provide for her parents in exchange for Innowin's service aboard the Dredgion. Always happy to help, Innowin agreed.

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