Iris Midgar is the first princess of the Midgar Kingdom and the leader of the Crimson Order. After her sister, Alexia, was kidnapped by the Cult of Diablos and subsequently rescued by Shadow Garden, she created the Order to investigate both organizations. However, comsumed by bitterness after being defeated by Shadow, she is misled by the Cult into believing that their activities are merely Shadow Garden false flag operations. Iris is a beautiful woman with delicate features with fiery straight hair that reaches down to her back and red eyes. She normally wears a knight order uniform sans cape, a royal dark violet uniform with light edges and black should straps, with cuffs folded back one-third up her arm from the wrist. Part of her attire requires her to wear white gloves for her dressing, a black shirt with matching edges to her uniform, and a ruby-like gem with a single ribbon necktie that stretches down into her uniform. Iris wears white tights and knee-high heeled boots with single-tie laces at the collar which folds over, and she can normally be seen with her sword adorning her side on her waist belt. After the Black Rose incident, Iris amended her attire to a more professional Crimson Order uniform, as well as added a braid in her hair along with small jewelry down a lock of hair. She wears a gray uniform with black trims and a crimson interior. A black detachable cape with red lining rests on her shoulders, with two crimson braided cords connecting from the left breast pocket to the shoulder's rank strap. She sports a green-colored gem with a single dark velvet ribbon necktie that stretches down into her uniform, with red buttons with black borders. The right side of her uniform lifts a little to short the bottom of the waistcoat, colored black with red lining to match the cape. She retains her white gloves and trousers, but her knee-high heeled boots are recolored to match her uniform. Iris is a brave, diligent, and prideful swordswoman who earnestly strives to fulfill her duty to protect her kingdom. She is revered as an exemplary warrior and princess by not only her people but the world as well. Ever since Iris was young, she was held in high regard for her abilities and accomplishments, which led to her people regarding her as the pride or icon of Midgar. She works diligently to uphold not only her father's but her people's expectations of her as a symbol of hope, protection, power, and victory. However, later in the story, these expectations would soon cause Iris's mental state to deteriorate. Despite being a princess, Iris lacks the political and leadership skills to manage her organization, the Crimson Order. She admits that Alexia Midgar is smarter than her and implies that her own sister would do a better job with the organization. This can be inferred that Iris has a slight inferiority complex, but despite that Iris continues to improve her skills. At times, Iris's stubbornness out of pride prevents her from seeing that there are other beings in the world who are much stronger than her, such as when she overestimated her abilities to defeat Shadow, to the point that she denies believing that Shadow's power is realms beyond her own, like Alexia claims until she was easily defeated by him. After any certain incident that occur following the emergence of Shadow Garden, Iris was left feeling inadequate and useless as she couldn't do much politically or physically. She felt the need to prove her worth and redeem herself at the Bushin Festival. However, the combination of her defeat by Mundane Mann (Shadow), the high expectations of her people, and the previous incidents crushed her mentally. Iris's loss to Shadow left her with a strong desire for revenge and an obsession with becoming stronger. Unfortunately, these desires caused her to become mentally unstable and gloomy. After the whole Cult debacle and personally realizing that Shadow Garden is strong and secretive, they do not seem to manipulate or cause mass death like the Cult (Specifically the Fenrir Branch) causing her to release her obsessive focus on beating Shadow and slip into a period of depression and self-reflection.
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