Izumi Akazawa

Izumi Akazawa
Original Name
赤沢 泉美
Romaji Name
Akazawa Izumi
Appears In
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
165.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 1502
Like # 1724
Trash # 801

Izumi Akazawa was the head of countermeasures and later on becomes the Class Officer of Class 3-3 of 1998 at Yomiyama North Middle School. She was in the drama club with Aya Ayano and Yumi Ogura. Izumi is a beautiful and attractive young woman, with a fair complexion and slightly above average height, with waist-length auburn hair that usually combed in two tails held up by two blue (sometimes white) ribbons with bangs down. left side while having shoulder length strands of hair hanging down in front of your ears and brown eyes. She is typically seen wearing the school's standard uniform, though she has worn different outfits - a pink-and-white dress in Episode 6 and a red blouse with a white miniskirt in episode 8. In the manga, her hair maintains a certain resemblance to that of the anime, using it in the same style, except when she is at home where she leaves her hair down, however later it is cut to the height of the shoulders. Also, she has a slim waist with a large chest. In the live-action film, she has dark hair, which she keeps cut short. In the anime, Izumi is the straightforward, unabashed, and strong leader of the Countermeasures at Yomiyama Middle School's 3rd-year class. Izumi is impulsive and irascible, even though she puts on a show of being tough she is actually rather fragile and can be shown to have a tender side. While she doesn't hesitate to blame others when misfortune occurs, she is humble enough to admit responsibility herself if she makes mistakes. Izumi has a self-confident nature, with a sense of responsibility, which is probably why she volunteered to be head of countermeasures in the first place. On several occasions, she can be seen trying to console her friends, most notably Aya Ayano after Kubodera's suicide, and Takako Sugiura after the latter became depressed following Junta's death. Despite her outwardly harsh personality, Izumi cares deeply for her friends, and her inability to protect them (especially Takako) leads to her repeated attempts to kill Mei in the series finale. In her last moments we get to know from her last words that she is affectionate towards Sakakibara. At the start of the series, she is first uncertain and concerned over the question of Kouichi: Is he the extra? How to fit him into the existing scheme in class? Then she was irritated at Kouichi's fraternizing with Mei. Unaware that Mei had attempted several times to discourage Kouichi, she began to resent Mei for apparently for not doing enough in her role to prevent the calamity and also seemed to dislike Kouichi for constantly fraternizing with her. She was able to set these resentments aside, temporarily, after Kubodera-sensei's death in Episode 7. It was eventually revealed that she was actually quite fond of him, with hints of romantic attraction. However, at the end of the series, the death of her loved ones and the threat of the calamity eventually causes Izumi to put those feelings aside, as she concludes the only way to end the curse and protect her friends is to kill Mei...even if that means killing Kouichi in the process. In the manga, Izumi isn't very sociable to new people as she rarely converses with anyone aside from close friends such as Yukari Sakuragi. When she does speak with someone, she is straightforward and sometimes confrontational. This stems from a troubled home life where she had to deal with her reclusive and unstable older brother before he had committed suicide. (The versions of the story differ on whether he was really her older brother, or was an older cousin living with them as an older foster brother.) Her troubles also cause her to resent anyone who is able to deal with heavy burdens with hardly any evident suffering, especially Mei Misaki. Due to these certain problems, she has created a bit of a Tsundere personality. As the calamity claims several people around her, including people she cares about, Izumi grows more and more unstable, culminating in her attempting to kill Mei after she becomes convinced that Mei is the extra. After Mei survives the assault and assures her that despite the calamity, she is still alive, Izumi regains her mental stability and even develops a sense of humor.

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