Jack Hammer was a famous action star who played the Evil Magistrate, the main villain on the Global Studios show The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo. He was the victim in Phoenix Wright's third case. Little is known of Hammer's personality as he died before Wright could encounter him. However, his actions seem to indicate that the accidental killing of Manuel and the subsequent blackmailing turned him into a bitter man. He obviously developed a deep hatred towards Vasquez, but also a resentment towards Powers. Powers had landed the lead heroic role in a show in which Hammer was forced to play a hated villain. To add insult to injury, he was then paid "peanuts" for his hard work. Fed up with all of these hits to his reputation, he was driven to attempt murder, which ironically ended in his own death. Vasquez at one point suggests that Manuel's death was not an accident, but that Hammer had done it on purpose. It's never confirmed whether what she says is true, although she does ask why else Hammer would let her mercilessly run his life otherwise.
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