Jane Doe

Jane Doe
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Popularity # 37278
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Jane is a mysterious god-tier woman who has a past with William. She is currently being held as a patient in an undisclosed NXGen Research Facility and seems to be the basis of their ability research. Jane is currently a middle aged woman with long white hair and golden eyes. In her past, she wore a pink flowery dress. As of late, she wears a blue shirt and is bound in a wheelchair, hooked up with an IV. Her eyes are glazed over, and have stress marks underneath them. Little is known about Jane's personality, but judging from recent pictures of her, she seems to be a defeated individual. As a young adult, Jane spent a lot of time with one William H. Doe. These happier days were immortalized in photographs. At some point, she was apprehended and held by a coalition that included NXGen, and likely EMBER and the rest of the Authorities. According to sparse files found at a related location, her ability was exploited for research in the ground-breaking (and morally compromised) field of Conversion Technology. Details on this project, including Jane's whereabouts, were kept top secret for years. In recent times, a private investigator named Simon managed to track her down and take some photographs on a curious William's behalf. By the look of her, the whole left her broken. Jane is by far the most powerful known character with a level of 9.1. Channel Master: Though the effects of this ability are unknown, it is strongly implied to be aura-related, much like Aura Manipulation.

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