Jane Porter is the deuteragonist of Disney's 1999 animated feature film, Tarzan. She is a charismatic, albeit eccentric ethnologist who travels to Africa to study gorillas alongside her father, Archimedes Q. Porter. During her expedition, Jane meets a "wild man" named Tarzan, with whom she would eventually fall in love. Despite her origins linking back to upper-class England, Jane is fairly eccentric and spontaneous — not unlike her father. She still has a sense of standards, however, and tries to stay true to her roots as an Englishwoman, while also adapting to life in the jungle. Overall, Jane is nevertheless intelligent and greatly gifted in her skills as a zoologist and artist; seen several times throughout the film, Jane can conjure an extremely accurate representation of an animal (or even a human, such as Tarzan) and portray it on her sketch board with relative ease and exquisite detail. Though she primarily works from a reference, her sketch of Tarzan was done solely on memory, further exemplifying her talent. Aside from art, Jane has a passionate admiration for wildlife of all kinds. She generally appreciates and respects the animal kingdom, and takes it as her responsibility to be mindful of their living conditions during her explorations.
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