Justine Courtney is a judge and member of the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee. She is tasked with observing the movements of prosecutors in order to determine who is unfit for the task, an activity the Committee calls the "Prosecutor Purge". Miles Edgeworth was one such prosecutor under evaluation; Courtney attempted several times to replace him with the incompetent Sebastian Debeste, son of former Chief Prosecutor and head of the Committee Blaise Debeste. Courtney is remarkably well-spoken, polite, and calm, but also formidable and with a strong sense of justice. When challenged, she is a fierce and extremely calculating rival, able to adapt her theories easily to new evidence. She has an almost religious devotion to the law, often referring to the "Goddess of Law" and using many religious phrases. She is very protective of her son, and carries an assortment of photos from his acting career on her person. Courtney believed that emotions were a weakness and not befitting a judge, who had to be impartial. She used her stoic persona as a shield to protect her.
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