Kaname Kugatachi, also known as Freya, was the Third Fist of Ragnarok and a user of Kugatachi Style jōjutsu. She joined Ragnarok in order to learn techniques from Ogata, but never met him. Freya has her own personal attack team called The Valkyries and believes that in order for women to be as strong as men, they have to resort to using weapons. First Year College Student and Instructor of Kugatachi Jou-Jutsu Dojo. Freya is a fairly tall and very attractive dark-skinned woman with short messy brown hair, blue eyes, curvy eyebrows, a thin scar running across her left cheek, she is slender but noticeably curvaceous and athletic in frame with broad shoulders and flare hips and she sports a well-endowed chest with a fairly muscled and well-toned built. Usually, she is seen in a form-fitting light-blue sleeveless-shirt and dark blue spandex pants with an orange leather jacket with which she hides the pieces of her staff in the jacket sleeves and a golden eye-like pendant around her neck. During the Ragnarok Saga, Freya wore dark gloves with golden insignias shaped like the roman numeral for "3", but after joining the Shinpaku Alliance she began wearing a regular pair of gloves as a substitute. Recently, Shigure has given her Steel Arm Guards, along with the rest of the Shinpaku Alliance. Freya is a calm and stoic person who rarely shows emotion, although unlike Loki Shadows, she clearly cares for her underlings. Despite strongly believing in the rules of Ragnarok, she is not completely heartless and actually puts her principles of the Katsujinken (The Saving Fist), likely ingrained into her Danki Kugatachi (Kaname's master), before them: she let Kisara Nanjō, a former loyal subordinate, go peacefully after the latter storms their headquarters and declares a challenge against Freya, who says that she had already been punished for her treachery by the Valkyries. Freya also refuses to continue after Kisara breaks her staff, believing that once her staff is broken, it is already her defeat, and acknowledges Kisara for her strength. While a very strong fighter and almost disregarding her gender, she has the fear of mice which she displays with very girlish reactions, jumping into Thor's arms to escape the mouse, much to his enjoyment. She also seems to be a tad sexual, performing the seductive pose that Kensei asked her to perform in order to learn about a technique that Kenichi just used in a fight (though maybe she is just willing to go to such lengths in order to win). More recently, she shows a more friendly, big-sister like side in front of Kisara. Freya also seems to have a crush on Ukita as noted by Miu but doesn't seem to act on it, most likely to give way to Kisara and just remain a third-party. Recently, she eagerly accepts a double date that Ukita arranges alongside Takeda. It is seen she might have feelings for Takeda which is shown when James Shiba believes they are a couple causing her to blush. She does however, show jealousy when another girl named Shiratori, starts to have eyes on Ukita as well. Like Shigure, Freya doesn't seem to have much modesty, as shown when she had no problem walking about topless in the hotelroom she was staying in with Kisara and says she always sleeps topless.
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