Kang Taeshik Husbando

Kang Taeshik
Original Name
Romaji Name
Kang Taeshik
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
Blood Type
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Kang Taeshik was a B-Rank Hunter who worked as an inspector for the Korean Hunters Association's Surveillance Team and a hitman for hire. Taeshik was a lanky looking man that appeared to be in his mid to late 20s. He has spiky purple hair with matching purple eyes with a sadistic look to them. As an employee of the Korean Hunters Association, he wore a formal business attire that consists of a black suit and tie with a belt where he held his daggers and knives. Taeshik was a cocky and psychopathic individual who lived to kill and found murdering other hunters to be more fun than killing monsters. Ironically, despite the fact that he was a serial killer, he looked down on other criminals and used them as outlets for his murderous tendencies. He was also prideful in his status as a B-Rank Hunter and had the ideology of a hunter supremacist, believing that hunters were not obligated to follow human laws due to being superior to normal humans altogether. Despite his bloodlust, Taeshik was not solely driven by the thrill of killing and was also highly motivated by financial gain. This was displayed when he demanded an extra 1 billion won from a client in anticipation of having to eliminate the other hunters in the dungeons, a prediction that indeed came true. Furthermore, after exchanging attacks with Jinwoo and realizing that the latter was able to match him in both speed and strength, Taeshik lamented that he should have demanded a higher fee for the job had he known beforehand that he was going to fight against such a challenging opponent, underscoring his calculated and money-driven approach to his heinous crimes. Likely due to having secretly worked as a hitman for years, Taeshik was incredibly deceptive, as displayed when he tried to weave a web of lies to cover up his crimes during his confrontation with Jinwoo, pretended that he only intended to target the prisoners, and even offered to spare the lives of Jinwoo, Joohee, and Song if they kept quiet about the whole ordeal. However, in reality, Taeshik only told them these words to catch them off-guard, which would make it easier for him to kill them later, and he actually had no real intention of sparing anyone, a fact that Jinwoo quickly realized after noticing the dishonesty in Taeshik's facial expressions. His deception also extended to where he had concocted an elaborate story to justify the deaths of the prisoners he was hired to kill, attributing it to a goblin ambush, and planned to alter his story to explain the deaths of the other hunters, claiming that the prisoners had turned on them while he was fighting alone against the dungeon boss and thus making him the sole survivor. Despite his ruthless outlook on life, Taeshik displayed a sense of respect for the natural hierarchy. When Jinwoo fatally stabbed him in the chest, Taeshik acknowledged his opponent's superiority and accepted with fate with dignity. Before dying from his wounds, he also warned Jinwoo about the side effects of gaining greater power and observed that Jinwoo was embarking on a dark path akin to his own in his pursuit of strength, hinting at the potential moral corruption that comes with more power.

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