Kanzaki Kaori is an eighteen-year old character introduced in Toaru Majutsu no Index. Originally a magician affiliated with the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church, she rejected them and eventually joined Necessarius where she met Index and Stiyl Magnus and became friends with them. She is also a Saint and is currently one of the most formidable magicians in the series. Though she rejected the Amakusa Christians, she still feels a sort of longing for them, and eventually returns to them (they are now a part of Necessarius) to become their leader once again. She is 170 centimeters in height, with long black hair tied up in a ponytail that reaches her hips. She wears a short white T-shirt tied into a knot at the bottom, revealing her belly button; her jeans have one pantsleg cut off to be very short. She uses a two-meter-long nodachi called "Shichiten Shichitou" as her weapon, it has been stated that her outfit follows the rules of asymmetry, which reinforces a small spell that allows her to balance herself and move herself more freely. She sports a denim jacket over her usual attire in later novels. She wears a flower patterned yukata when she is at Necessarius' dormitories. Due to the events in her life as the Supreme Pontiff, and later as a friend of Index, she turned into a cold and taciturn woman, always serious, and not in the mood for jokes, the proverbial ice queen. During the fight for Index, Touma asks why she didn't kill him, and the answer is not that she won't but she can't. This extends to divine beings, such as Archangel Gabriel, despite the danger he posed to the world, Kanzaki could only distract him, and wished for Touma to end the Angel Fall, as she could never kill Gabriel. Her personality gradually changes, as with all the members of Necessarius that have met Touma, showing a kinder side to herself and others after Touma saves Index and helps to confront her past with the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church, feeling more comfortable and grateful to Touma becoming more prone to showing emotion and sometimes showing a little embarrassment with other people, having awkward interactions from her trying to thank Touma for saving the members of the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church on various occasions and Tsuchimikado Motoharu's attempts to encourage Kanzaki into various cosplay gear for Touma. Outside combat situations she pursues the behavior of a Yamato Nadeshiko , however her manner of speech and demeanor when serious resemble that of a Samurai. She has also been described as innocent when it comes to sexuality, and this is further supported by the fact that she can't really understand most of Tsuchimikado's "make it up to Touma" daring suggestions. Due to her demeanor and long time of residence, she is usually referenced as "the representative of Necessarius dorms" when one is needed. By the statement of "Yamato Nadeshiko", it should be pointed out that the phrase is a Japanese term meaning "personification of an idealized Japanese woman". She has been shown as being able to calm herself down by putting together a tower of tiles and then break them with a Karate chop while she is regaining her serenity; this is even played out comically as Kanzaki "pulls out the tiles seemingly from nowhere". So far the only character that has stressed her enough so that she is forced to use that soothing method has been Tsuchimikado Motoharu. Furthermore, as an apparent attribute of magicians, she is very weak with machines as shown when Academy City sends a washing machine which she complains about. This later leads into a comical situation where the Washing Machine goes haywire after Kanzaki punched in random buttons after putting one of her pieces of cloth into it without proper judgment. In another opportunity she displays tender tears of happiness when the washing machine finally works perfectly as instructed, even going as far as hugging the object. This later leads to a running gag with the washing machine when Necessarius had to abandon their dorms and only take with them what was essential, Kanzaki noted that her most prized material possessions were her pet tropical fish and "her friend", a certain washing machine. She made absolutely sure that those two items would be saved even in that dire situation. Sometimes, Kanzaki can be hypocritical. She was angry at Acqua of the Back for using the full powers of a Saint to attack an innocent high school student because of his duties, even through she did the same thing herself the first time she met the said student.
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