Karen Watanabe

Karen Watanabe
Original Name
Romaji Name
Watanabe Karen
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
65.00 cm
55.00 kg
Blood Type
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Popularity # 43218
Like # 42514
Trash # 43957

A Femme Fatale Professional Killer in the service of the Niwa Clan. Unlike most of the female assassins within her profession who utilize subterfuge and seduction to their advantage, Watanabe Karen is a blood-thirsty warrior who perfers to eliminate her targets using nothing but her bare hands. Having already killed three of her opponents as a fighter within the Slaughter Colosseum's roster, Inoue Sugaya has offered her a substantial bounty if she eliminates Mitani Hana in the ring as well. Absurdly Sharp Claws: She has deliberately sharpened her fingernails to a razor's edge and reinforced them with partial training. This makes her an incredibly dangerous opponent who can easily pull off an Eye Scream or bleed her opponent to death, which was the ultimate fate of two of her previous opponents. Ambiguously Evil: She certainly gives off malevolent vibes, and she and her mates have each killed at least one opponent before, but the circumstances and context remain an utter mystery, and in any case, they seem to have only ever done it when it was actually allowed. Subverted in the later chapters, where its revealed that Karen might just be the most evil of the Slaughter Colosseum's deviants thanks to her history as a sadistic Professional Killer. Bare-Fisted Monk: Yuzuha notes that Karen gained infamy for herself as an assassin because she perfers to eliminate her targets using nothing but her bare hands rather than employ actual weapons, poison, or honey trap tactics like the rest of her contemporaries in the wetwork scene. Both Nozomi and Hina also have Karen pegged as a Striker-type after seeing her start the match against Hana with an attempted head-kick followed by a flurry of punches. Beauty Is Bad: An incredibly stunning and dangerous assassin who believes that Valkyria should only present a problem if the fighters aren't allowed to go for the kill. Blood Knight: She's described by Lee Akinobu as "bloodthirsty" combatant who genuinely enjoys taking lives and has built enough of a reputation as a "extreme renegade" that Yuzuha is wary of her. Karen herself even states with an ominous smirk that dealing with Valkyria shouldn't be an issue… unless there's a no-kill rule. Buxom Beauty Standard: Karen visibly has the biggest bust out of the participants of the Slaughter Colosseum's exhibition match against Valkyria (ignoring Yuu and Riko's sickeningly large pectorals that create the illsuion of large breasts), much to the delight of the crowd as Hana ends up pressing her face into Karen's bare cleavage after tackling her to the ground. Cleavage Window: Her form-fitting sports bra features a prominent one, accentuating the size her breasts even more. Even Evil Has Standards: Even she was horrified by Ichika's sheer brutality, and was glad it had been Sara to face her. Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Karen is a gorgeous blonde who possesses enough raw sex appeal to make her exceptionally popular fighter. But she's also a professional hitwoman with a history of killing people for the thrill of it. Femme Fatale: A female assassin-turned-fighter who is beautiful as she is deadly. Femme Fatalons: The MMA gloves used in Valkyria and the Slaughter Colosseum gives her room to use her sharpened nails as a cutting and stabbing impliment mid-combo, or make a grappling opponent disengage by stabbing them in and grabbing onto their ribs. Only in It for the Money: She's a murder-happy assassin who seemingly agreed to take on the exhibition match against Hana specifically because Inoue put a bounty on her head. Red Baron: "Murder Queen", likely referencing her bloody history as a contract killer. Professional Killer: Was and still is one of these for the Niwa Clan of Yakuza, the sponsors of Slaughter Colosseum. Slasher Smile: She has a terrifying one when her face is still partly obscured.

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