Katana Man ( real name unknown), known officially as Samurai Sword (サムライソード Samurai Sōdo) is a Devil-human Hybrid who merged with the Katana Devil (刀の悪あく魔ま Katana no Akuma). His grandfather was the Debt Collector killed by Denji and because of that he teamed up with Akane to get revenge on Denji and steal his heart. Human Form Katana Man is a tall man with a short black hair and notable sideburns. He normally dresses in a large leather coat with a gakuran underneath. Hybrid Form When Katana Man transforms, he grows large swords from each of his arms and his face takes on a demonic appearance with dark skinless flesh and oversized jaw devoid of lips. His chin becomes pointed, and another sword grows from his forehead where his eyes would be, with the handle sticking out of the back of his head.
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