Kazama Souta

Kazama Souta
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Popularity # 16677
Like # 14705
Trash # 31701

Appearance Kazama is a young adult with short black hair, who can be seen a white button up shirt with black working pants and occasionally, a blue necktie. Personality Kazama is boring and gives a boring look, and seemingly doesn't have many friends. He prefers to spend a New Year alone playing video games. He also has a hobby of making origami. His ears are sensitive. Plot One day after work, while he rides the train home with Igarashi Futaba and Takeda Harumi, Igarashi falls asleep on Takeda and Kazama decides to take a cute picture. When Igarashi wakes up, he shows it to her, but that only makes her angry and she hits him. When Takeda finally gets a phone, he asks Kazama to explain how to send a text message. After five minutes of explanations and trials, Takeda finally manages to send a "thanks" message to Igarashi. During lunch break, Sakurai Touko notices an origami flower on Kazama's desk and he explains its a hobby of his and she asks him to make more. Takeda sees him and is surprised that Kazama could do that. He then notices an origami that reminds him of Igarashi and asks if he can take it and Kazama agrees. Igarashi also sees the origami and seeing she wants one too, Kazama explains she can take whichever she wants as he will be throwing them out. Hearing that, Igarashi decides to take all and find one that reminds her of Takeda. During New Year, Sakurai drags Kazama with her to a shrine. There they are mistaken for a couple and are interviewed. They act like a couple and Sakurai explain she was bored and dragged Kazama, who was also bored and agreed to be dragged. Having nothing better to talk about, Kazama starts talking about Igarashi and Takeda and how she used to dislike him, but now even sleeps leaning on him and shows the picture he took on the train. As that is live and Igarashi is nearby and sees it on TV, she comes and hit Kazama and deletes the image. A bit later, Kazama wakes up on Sakurai's lap. She tells him the picture got deleted, but he reveals he has it on the cloud. Sakurai wonders why he went out with her, even though he planned on playing video games all day and Kazama states she didn't stop bugging him and considering she probably has a tons of guys asking her out, he felt flattered that she asked him and thought it would be more fun to spend the day with her than being alone. Sakurai then goes to buy them a drink. A girl approaches Kazama and upon learning they aren't a couple, she wants to show him a picture she took, but before he was able to see it, Sakurai returns and takes the camera. Seeing that the girl captured her kissing unconscious Kazama, she quickly deletes the picture forbidding Kazama to ever look or know what kind of picture it was.

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